Using email is not particularly suitable for the exchange of information in the fiduciary business. Data is transmitted insecurely and can be read by third parties when it passes between the sender and recipient. The progressive Lenzburg trust company Visita Treuhand no longer exchanges confidential documents via email. Instead, they use DeepBox, the Swiss cloud platform. Employees of Visita Treuhand and its clients are impressed by its high level of security, secure location in Switzerland and ease of use.
An important aspect of the fiduciary business is the exchange of documents and confidential information with clients. Lenzburg-based Visita Treuhand AG traditionally used email for this purpose, as Raphael Häfliger, Head of IT, describes: "Documents such as financial statements or tax documents were sent unencrypted by email. The exception was a few clients who used an encryption solution themselves."
However, communication via email is particularly risky in a business based on confidentiality.
Emails can be intercepted and possibly manipulated on their way from the client to the fiduciary company. This was also clear to Visita Treuhand and resulted in the strategic decision in the fall of 2022 to systematically forego email when exchanging sensitive information in the future and to only exchange documents with clients in encrypted form via a secure cloud-based platform.
From Email to DeepBox
At almost the same time, Abacus subsidiary DeepCloud launched its DeepBox solution: an intelligent, web-based filing system for the secure sharing, storage and automated processing of documents. For Visita Treuhand, as a user and sales partner of Abacus solutions for decades, DeepBox came at the right time. Raphael Häfliger: "We considered other options such as Dropbox or OneDrive, but when we did so, it wasn't clear where and how securely the data would be stored. And we considered building a portal ourselves - but why go to all that effort when DeepBox exists?"
With DeepBox, it is guaranteed that all data is housed in Swiss data centres that meet the highest security standards. DeepBox provider DeepCloud is also ISO-27001 certified, which attests to the optimal protection of customer, employee, product and company information.
Employees and customers convinced
When DeepBox was introduced, Visita employees were instructed not to send any emails with confidential or large attachments to their clients. Concurrently, the trust company informed its clients about the switch to DeepBox and created detailed step-by-step instructions for less digitally savvy clients.
In the months since the first use of a DeepBox, Visita Treuhand has set up DeepBoxes for over 150 clients. These are Simple Boxes, as Raphael Häfliger points out: "Currently, we only used the DeepBox in connection with the clientèle for document exchange and do not yet need the additional intelligent functions of the Advanced Boxes such as the data capture AI DeepO. Simple Box is currently the ideal solution for us".
When asked about the acceptance among the fiduciary clientele, the IT manager answers: "About 80 to 90 percent are enthusiastic about DeepBox, the rest are still skeptical at the beginning. Most of them do not want to have to use yet another cloud platform but can be won over to DeepBox with a little persuasion." The clear advantages of the solution play a key role here: The simple operation, high level security and data location in Switzerland are decisive for many clients.
Visita Treuhand also involves other communication partners in the document exchange via DeepBox. Triangular relationships exist, for example, with clients and their banks. "The bank always has access to a directory in DeepBox and can thus share documents directly with the client."
DeepBox and Abacus
The direct integration of DeepBox with Abacus is not yet used at Visita Treuhand. The company is currently in the process of transforming its accounts payable process, which has been handled by AbaScan, to use intelligent Advanced Boxes and AI-powered automatic document processing by DeepO. This will initially be rolled out at Visita itself. "If this goes well, we want to roll it out to our existing AbaScan customers," Raphael Häfliger holds, continuing: "So there is still a lot of potential, and in a further step we can then also provide new customers with the digitized accounts payable process."
Visita Treuhand AG was founded in 1984. It has been using Abacus since 1989, has been an Abacus sales partner since 1991, and was named an Abacus Treuhand Innovation Partner in 2022. The Lenzburg-based fiduciary company employs around 20 people and serves some 350 clients ranging from private individuals to SMEs and larger companies with comprehensive fiduciary services as well as consulting and IT services related to Abacus. |
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